Coffee and Cocoa

In South Vietnam, I visited a coffee and cocoa plantation on a farm. It was the first time that I was able to observe these two important crops at the place where they are cultivated: 

“Both coffee and cocoa are planted three metres apart. They are planted in a checkerboard pattern; not offset. As a result, each plant needs 9 square metres of space. The cultivated area is partially shaded by larger trees. But at least half of the plants are probably in full sun all day. Young plants are marked with three bamboo poles. The plants are placed in a depression. This helps with watering in the dry season. The water stays with the tree and does not flow away from it. Coffee is fertilised with cow dung. I don't know whether any further fertilisation is necessary. Plant diseases are another issue. Some coffee beans are drilled by a small worm. And ants tend to the aphids that suck on the stems of the berries.”